Laboratory Search
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- Acid Digestion
- Acoustic Emission Measurements
- Alkali-Fusion
- Analog Sandbox Experiments
- APCI - Atmospheric P…Chemical Ionization
- APPI - Atmospheric P…ure Photoionization
- ASE - Accelerated Solvent Extraction
- Ashing
- aSPE - Automated Solid Phase Extraction
- Axial/Triaxial Test
- Bomb Acid Digestion
- Brillouin Spectroscopy
- Carbon Analysis
- CL - Cathodoluminescence Microscopy
- Coating
- Coercivity
- CRDS - Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy
- Crushing
- CSLM - Confocal Lase…Scanning Microscopy
- Culturing
- Curie Temperature Analysis
- DDSS - Distributed D…amic Strain Sensing
- Demagnetization
- Density Measurement
- Desulfurization
- Digestion
- DNA Extraction
- DNA Isolation
- DNA Library Preparation
- DNA Sequencing
- Dredging
- Drying
- Drying
- Drying
- DSC - Differential Scanning Calorimetry
- DSS - Distributed Strain Sensing
- DTA - Differential Thermal Analysis
- DTS - Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Dyeing Methods
- EA - Elemental Analysis
- EA-IRMS - Elemental …o Mass Spectrometry
- EBSD - Electron Backscatter Diffraction
- EDAX - Energy Disper…e Analysis of X-Ray
- EI - Electron Ionization
- Electrical Conductivity Measurement
- Electrophoresis
- EMPA - Electron Microprobe Analysis
- Environmental DNA
- ESI - Electrospray Ionization
- Evaporating
- FASE - Fast Solvent Extraction
- FIB-SEM - Focused Io…Electron Microscopy
- Filtration
- FISH - Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization
- Fission Track Dating
- Flow Cytometry
- Fluorescence Microscopy
- Fluorometry
- FT-ICR-MS - Fourier …e Mass Spectrometry
- FTIR Spectroscopy - …frared Spectroscopy
- Fusion
- GC - Gas Chromatography
- GC-FID - Gas Chromat…onization Detection
- GC-FID-MS - Gas Chro…r Mass Spectrometry
- GC-IRMS - Gas Chroma…o Mass Spectrometry
- GC-MS - Gas Chromato…y Mass Spectrometry
- GC-TOF-MS - Gas Chro…t Mass Spectrometry
- Gel Documentation
- Gel Electrophoresis
- Grinding
- Hardening Methods
- High-Temperature Creep Tests
- HPLC - High Performa…quid Chromatography
- HPLC-MS - High Perfo…y Mass Spectrometry
- HR-SEM - High-Resolu…Electron Microscopy
- HR-TEM - High-Resolu…Electron Microscopy
- HTP-IRMS - High-Temp…o Mass Spectrometry
- Hybridization Assay
- Hydrothermal Synthesis
- IC - Ion Chromatography
- ICP-AES - Inductivel…ission Spectroscopy
- ICP-MS - Inductively…a Mass Spectrometry
- Incubation
- IRMS - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
- LA-ICP-MS - Laser Ab…a Mass Spectrometry
- LAI - Leaf Area Index Measurement
- Lapping
- Laser Fluorination
- Laue Method
- LC - Liquid Chromatography
- LC-OCD - Liquid Chro…ic Carbon Detection
- Leaching
- LMD - Laser Microdissection
- LP-TEM - Liquid Phas…Electron Microscopy
- Magnetic Extraction
- Magnetic Hysteresis Analysis
- Magnetic Susceptibility
- Magnetization
- MALDI - Matrix-Assis…sorption/Ionization
- Mass-Specific Magnetic Susceptibility
- MC-ICP-MS - Multicol…a Mass Spectrometry
- Microscopy
- Microthermometry
- Microtomy
- Microwave Acid Digestion
- Milling
- Mineral Separation
- Mineral Synthesis
- MPLC - Medium Pressu…quid Chromatography
- MS - Mass Spectrometry
- NGS - Next Generation Sequencing
- Optical Microscopy
- Optical Spectroscopy
- Oxygen Concentration Measurement
- Particle Analysis
- Particle Size Analysis
- PCR - Polymerase Chain Reaction
- Permeability
- pH Measurement
- Photometry
- Polarization Microscopy
- Polishing
- Porosimetry
- Preparation of Polle…s, Diatom Frustules
- Preparation of Thin …d Polished Sections
- Preparation Tephra Glass Shards
- Py-GC - Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography
- Py-GC-FID - Pyrolysi…onization Detection
- Py-GC-MS - Pyrolysis…y Mass Spectrometry
- Pycnometry
- Pyrolysis
- qPCR - Quantitative …rase Chain Reaction
- Raman Spectroscopy
- Real-time PCR - Real…rase Chain Reaction
- Redox Potential Measurement
- Reflected Light Microscopy
- Remanent Magnetization
- Resistivity
- Rheometry
- Ring Shear Test
- Sanger Sequencing
- Sawing
- SEM - Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Separation Saturated…urated Hydrocarbons
- Shaking
- Shear Test
- Shotgun Method
- Sieving
- SIMS - Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
- Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction
- Soxhlet Extraction
- SPE - Solid-Phase Extraction
- Spectrophotometry
- Spectroradiometry
- Sputtering
- Surface Area Analysis
- TDU-Pyrolysis - Ther…esorption Pyrolysis
- TEM - Transmission Electron Microscopy
- TGA - Thermogravimetric Analysis
- Thermal Conductivity Measurement
- Thermal Diffusivity Measurement
- TIMS - Thermal Ioniz…n Mass Spectrometry
- TOC - Total Organic Carbon Analysis
- TOF-MS - Time-of-Fli…t Mass Spectrometry
- Transmitted Light Microscopy
- Tree Ring Analysis
- Triaxial Deformation…Torsion Experiments
- Tvap - Thermovaporization
- Ultrasonic Velocity Measurements
- UV-VIS Spectrophotometry
- UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometry
- Viscosimetry
- Visualization
- Volumetric Heat Capacity
- WDS - Wavelength Dis… X-Ray Spectroscopy
- X-Ray Fluorescence Core Scanning
- XCMT - X-Ray Computed Microtomography
- XRD - X-Ray Diffraction
- XRF - X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy
- XRPD - X-Ray Powder Diffraction
- Zeta-Potential Measurement
- µXRF - Micro-X-Ray F…scence Spectroscopy
- Abrasion Mills
- Accelerometers
- Anaerobic Chamber
- ASE - Accelerated Solvent Extractor
- aSPE - Automated Solid Phase Extractor
- Autoclaves
- Autoclaves for Sterilization
- Axial/Triaxial Tester
- Balance
- Ball Mill
- Belt Sander
- BIB - Broad Ion Beam Polisher
- Binocular
- Brillouin Interferometer
- Camera
- Carbon Analyzer
- Centrifuge
- Chemostat
- CL - Cathodoluminescence Microscope
- Clean Bench
- Clean Room Facility
- Climatic Chamber
- CNC Molding Cutter
- Coater
- Conductivity Sensor
- CRDS - Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer
- CSLM - Confocal Lase…Scanning Microscope
- DAC - Diamond Anvil Cell
- Demagnetizer
- Density Meter
- Dilatometer
- Disc Mill
- DNA/RNA Extraction Kit
- Dredging Setup
- Drying Cabinet
- DSC - Differential Scanning Calorimeter
- EA - Elemental Analyzer
- EA-IRMS - Elemental …o Mass Spectrometer
- Electrophoresis Device
- EMP - Electron Microprobe
- Evaporator
- FIB - Focused Ion Beam
- FIB-SEM - Focused Io…Electron Microscope
- Fiber Optic Sensors
- Field Spectroradiometer
- Filter
- FLECAS - Field Labor…ore Analysis System
- FLECAS-HT - Field La… Analysis System-HT
- Flow Cytometer
- Flumes
- FluMini - Portable F…d-Monitoring System
- FluMo - Fluid-Monitoring System
- FluMoRe - Fluidflow …or and Reactor Unit
- Fluorescence Microscope
- Fluorometer
- Force Sensor
- Frantz Magnetic Separator
- Freeze Dryer
- FT-ICR-MS - Fourier …e Mass Spectrometer
- FTIR Spectrometer - …frared Spectrometer
- Furnace
- Gas Deformation Apparatus
- Gas-Mixing Furnace
- GC - Gas Chromatograph
- GC-FID - Gas Chromat…Ionization Detector
- GC-FID-MS - Gas Chro…r Mass Spectrometer
- GC-IRMS - Gas Chroma…o Mass Spectrometer
- GC-MS - Gas Chromato…y Mass Spectrometer
- GC-TOF-MS - Gas Chro…t Mass Spectrometer
- Gel Documentation System
- Gel Electrophoresis Device
- Geoelectric Devices
- GFZ Split-Core Logger
- Glove Box
- Grinding Machine
- Hammer Plate
- Heavy Liquid Separation Line
- High Temperature Creep Apparatus
- High Temperature Fluid Measuring Cell
- Homogenizer
- HPLC - High Performa…iquid Chromatograph
- HPLC-MS - High Perfo…y Mass Spectrometer
- HR-SEM - High-Resolu…Electron Microscope
- HR-TEM - High-Resolu…Electron Microscope
- HTTP-IRMS - High-Tem…o Mass Spectrometer
- Humidity Sensor
- Hydrogen Reactor System
- Hydrothermal Reactor
- Hyperspectral Camera
- IC - Ion Chromatograph
- ICP-AES - Inductivel…ission Spectrometer
- ICP-MS - Inductively…a Mass Spectrometer
- IHPV - Internally Heated Pressure Vessel
- Increment Borer
- Incubator
- Iridium Strip Heater
- IRMS - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer
- Jaw Crusher
- LA-ICP-MS - Laser Ab…a Mass Spectrometer
- Lapping Machine
- LARS - Large Reservoir Simulator
- Laser
- Laser Microdissection Microscope
- Laser Particle Size Analyzer
- LC - Liquid Chromatograph
- LC-OCD - Liquid Chro…ic Carbon Detection
- LP-TEM - Liquid Phas…Electron Microscope
- Magnetic Susceptibility Bridge
- Magnetic Susceptibility Sensor
- Magnetizer
- Magnetometer
- Mars and Planetary Simulation Chamber
- MC-ICP-MS - Multicol…a Mass Spectrometer
- MEMS Accelerometer
- Micro Mill
- Microscope
- Microtome
- Mill
- MPLC - Medium Pressu…iquid Chromatograph
- MS - Mass Spectrometer
- MTS - Mechanical Testing System
- Multi-Anvil Press
- MuSPIS - Multiple Sa…Injection Simulator
- Optical Microscope
- Optical Scanner
- Oven
- Oxygen Electrode
- PAM - Portable Fluorescence Analyzers
- Particle Analyzer
- PCR Cycler
- PCR Workstation
- Permeability Measuring Device
- pH-sensitive Electrode
- Photometer
- Piezotransducer
- Piston Cylinder Press
- Planetary Simulation Chamber
- Plant Growth Chamber
- Polarization Microscope
- Polishing Machine
- Porosimeter
- Pressure Sensor
- Pressure Vessel
- Py-GC - Pyrolysis Gas Chromatograph
- Py-GC-FID - Pyrolysi…Ionization Detector
- Py-GC-MS - Pyrolysis…y Mass Spectrometer
- Pycnometer
- Pyrolyzer
- qPCR Cycler
- Raman Spectrometer
- Real-Time PCR Cycler
- Redox Electrode
- Reflected Light Microscope
- Rheometer
- Ring Shear Tester
- Roll Mill
- Rotary Evaporator
- Sample Divider
- Sandbox Model
- Sandbox Standards
- Saw
- Scintillation Counter
- Screening Machine
- SEM - Scanning Electron Microscope
- SEPP - System for Ex…mental Petrophysics
- Servohydraulic MTS Press
- Shaker
- Shear Test Apparatus
- Sieve
- Sieve Shaker
- SIMS - Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer
- Single Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer
- Soil Heat Flux Transducer
- Soil Moisture Sensor
- Soxhlet Extractor
- Spectrograph
- Spectrophotometer
- Spectroradiometer
- Sputter
- Stirred-Tank Reactor
- Submersible Pump
- Surface Area Analyzer
- Tailor-Made Stream Tables
- TCS - Thermal Conductivity Scanner
- TDU Pyrolyzer - Ther…tion Unit Pyrolyzer
- TEM - Transmission Electron Microscope
- Temperature Sensor
- Thermal Analysis Platform
- Thermal Conductivity Analyzer
- Thermal Conductivity Meter
- TIMS - Thermal Ioniz…n Mass Spectrometer
- Titanium Autoclave
- TOC - Total Organic Carbon Analyzer
- TOF-MS - Time-of-Fli…t Mass Spectrometer
- Transmitted Light Microscope
- Triaxial Press
- Ultrasonic Cleaning Device
- Ultrasonic Transducer
- UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
- UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer
- Vacuum Gas Manifold
- VFTB - Variable Fiel…Translation Balance
- Vice Setup
- Viscosimeter
- Wilfley Shaker Table
- X-Ray Fluorescence Core Scanner
- XCMT - X-Ray Compute…rotomography System
- XRD - X-Ray Diffractometer
- XRF - X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer
- XRPD - X-Ray Powder Diffractometer
- Zeta-Potential Analyzer
- µXRF - Micro-X-Ray F…scence Spectrometer
- Astrobiology
- Biogeochemistry
- Biology
- Critical Zone Science
- Ecology
- Ecosystem Science
- Geobiology
- Geochemistry
- Geochronology
- Geodynamics
- Geoelectrics
- Geology
- Geomagnetism
- Geomicrobiology
- Geomorphology
- Geophysics
- Groundwater
- Hydrogeosciences
- Hydrology
- Marine Geochemistry
- Microbial Studies
- Microbiology
- Mineral Physics
- Mineralogy
- Modeling
- Paleoclimate
- Paleoenvironmental Change
- Paleogeoscience
- Paleontology
- Pedology
- Petrology
- Petrophysics
- Physical Geography
- Planetary Sciences
- Remote Sensing
- Rock Mechanics
- Sedimentology
- Seismology
- Soil ecology
- Tectonics
- Visualization Sciences
- Volcanology
- Water Quality
UP - University of PotsdamThe (U-Th-Sm)/He lab is equipped with an Alphachron automated system for helium measurement. We routinely measure 2 laser pans of 24 aliquots each in automatic mode in 1 week. We collaborate with PD Dr. Johannes Glodny in section 3.1 at the German Research Centre for Geosciences; he is responsible for sample dissolution and analysis of U, Th and Sm using ICP-MS. At present, we analyze both apatites and zircons.
UP - University of PotsdamThe Institute for Geosciences at the University of Potsdam has a laboratory for stereoscopic projection and analysis of three- or multidimensional data (3D laboratory). The laboratory focuses on the spatial projection of complex data sets in order to visually analyse data structures and their internal relationships. Simultaneously, sonification and haptic techniques will be used to detect spatio-temporal patterns.
The laboratory comprises a computer cluster and a visualization platform. The …
UP - University of PotsdamThe Potsdam ⁴He/³He Thermochronology Laboratory at the University of Potsdam, Germany is dedicated to high-precision measurement of ⁴He and ³He noble gas abundances and isotopic ratios (i.e. ⁴He³He) in U-bearing accessory minerals such as apatite.
The laboratory is equipped with a Helix SFT Thermo Scientific mass spectrometer recently acquired and funded by the European Research Council (ERC). The Helix SFT is connected to a Thermo extraction and purification Prepline dedicated to mineral …
TU - Technische Universität BerlinAcid digestions of solid samples for main and trace element analysis are carried out in a modern digestion laboratory with special digestors that are also suitable for working with hydrofluoric and perchloric acid. The samples can be prepared as open digestions using the DigiPrep heating block system (SCP Science) or as closed digestions using the Multiwave 5000 microwave reaction platform (Anton Paar).
The Vitriox Electric 4+ fusion unit from Fluxana is available for the production of glass …
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for GeosciencesThis lab is dedicated to mineral synthesis and other experiments using mostly inorganic chemistry or hydrothermal synthesis methods. The lab is equipped with standard chemical laboratory equipment such as analytical balance, centrifuge, fume hood, furnaces, hotplate stirrers, ovens, dry block heater, pH meters as well as reflux setups and sonicator bath. Hydrothermal synthesis is possible in closed Teflon lined cells heated either conductively or by microwave irradiation.
UP - University of PotsdamAn anaerobic chamber allows the investigation of reactive matter transport in laboratory scale also for anoxic or anaerobic environmental conditions. The chamber is operated with nitrogen or forming gas. The oxygen concentration can be regulated between 0 - 20%. For reaching oxygen concentrations below 0.5% a catalytic converter has to be instrumented and the chamber is operated with forming gas. A detachable front panel allows for the instrumentation with big experimental setups.
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for GeosciencesThis lab is dedicated for the synthesis of redox-active iron mineral phases, as well as their interaction with redox-sensitive trace elements (e.g., As, Cr,) and anaerobic microbes, under oxygen-limited conditions. It is equipped with two anaerobic chamber workstations, setup for liquid degassing to remove O₂, sample autodiluter for trace element analysis and standard chemical laboratory equipment such as analytical balance, centrifuge, fume hood, hotplate stirrer, shaking incubator, oven and …
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for GeosciencesIn the Gas Chromatography Lab whole oil analyzes are performed with special attention to saturated hydrocarbons, highly volatile organic compounds, and lipid fractions (e.g. fatty acids, alcohols, sterols).
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for GeosciencesFor complex geodynamic questions, a wide variety of analytical methods and procedures is employed in the analytics and preparation laboratory. Some of the analytic equipment is located in our group; others are operated in cooperation with GFZ sections. There is also close cooperation with other research institutes, universities, and industry. Interested scientists from outside the GFZ may also use our Preparation Laboratory through cooperation.
FU - Freie Universität BerlinComplete Fission Track dating facilities are available at the FU Berlin. We have a fully equipped mineral separation laboratory for concentrating apatite and zircon. Facilities for mounting, polishing, and etching samples are in collaboration with University of Potsdam. We host a Zeiss © Axioplan 2 microscope with a maximum magnification of 1250 x paired with a Drawing Board VI ©, stage control, LED courser mouse and the FT Stage © software for counting and length measurements. Data record and …