Laboratory Search

3 laboratories found (0.046 s)
  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    The Molecular Microbiology Lab focuses on
    I) DNA and RNA extraction, quantification and integrity applying protocols on commercial kits (physical and chemical cell lysis, silica column), phenol/chloroform extractions and extra- and intracellular separation (e/I DNA), and
    II) microbiome diversity and abundance applying protocols on amplification and quantification of target genes via PCR and quantitative PCR, NGS library preparation as well as NGS sequencing.
    Various sample types such …

  • AWI - Alfred Wegener Institute

    The palaeogenetics lab is a part of the larger molecular genetic facility specialized to analyse ancient sedimentary DNA and is placed in a separate building apart from the modern and recent environmental lab and Post-PCR areas. In the palaeogenetics lab we analyse ancient DNA from sediment cores (lakes or marine archives) or permafrost deposits.
    We apply DNA metabarcoding and metagenomics (shotgun and hybridisation capture) to investigate spatial and temporal biodiversity with the aim of …

  • DLR - German Aerospace Center

    The Planetary Analog Simulation Facility-Laboratory (PASLAB) at the DLR is used for different astrobiological, chemical and physical experiments to simulate variations in key environmental conditions like pressure, temperature, radiation and gas composition, under conditions ranging from Earth-like (including Early Earth) to the near-surface atmosphere of Martian mid- and low latitudes and exoplanets (e.g. temperature range between -70 °C to +20 °C, low pressures 6 to 10 mbar, etc.). The DLR …