Laboratory Search

2 laboratories found (0.041 s)
  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    For characterization of pores and fractures within rocks the laboratory is equipped with an X-Ray computer tomography system (Nanotom CT), He-gas pycnometer (AccuPyc), Hg porosimeter (2000 WS), and a gas adsorption porosimeter (TS Surfer). For damage-free preparation of 1 - 2 mm² large, almost planar surfaces, a broad ion beam (BIB) polisher operating with an Ar-Ion beam is operated.

  • TU - Technische Universität Berlin

    Samples that are to be examined with the aid of a microscope must be prepared specifically for the instrument. To do this, the conditions of the instrument and the sample holder must be known: sample size - sample height or thickness - surface condition - conductivity - vacuum resistance. For any examination procedure, the sample should first be viewed with a light microscope.
    There are preparation facilities for the use of the available equipment. This option is primarily intended for users …