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GFZ Infrastructures
12 laboratories found (0.067 s)
  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    The Bubble Lab is an experimental laboratory to study (a) fluids in hydrothermal terrain, and (b) volcano-tectonic processes. We simulate fluids and solids in two separate but closely related laboratories. First, we have an experimental laboratory for studying gas bubbles in hydrothermal and volcanic systems and an earthquake simulator. Second, we study the deformation and fracturing of scaled analog volcanoes and their intrusions. The goal of the Bubble & Volcano Lab is to study the …

  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    The lab contains devices that can be used to monitor chemical and physicochemical parameters in natural and synthetic geothermal fluids. For instance,

    • A versatile fluid-chemical monitoring unit (“FluMo”) has been developed that enables online and in-situ measurements of a variety of physico-chemical parameters at different surface locations of a geothermal fluid loop.
    • The Fluidflow Monitor and Reactor Unit (FluMoRe), consisting of two 50 L stainless steel vessels, enables storage and …
  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    Tephra, the Greek word for ash, is used to describe any material that is ejected by a volcano into the atmosphere (pyroclasts). Tephra includes dense blocks and bombs (> 64 mm), and lighter materials such as scoria, pumice and ash (< 2 mm). As one moves away from a volcano, the tephra deposits become finer grained (smaller particles) and thinner. This is because small airborne particles hover longer and stay within the atmosphere for a greater distance from the volcano. These particles of ash …

  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    The Omics Lab is currently equipped with all facilities to carry out DNA extractions, polymerase chain reactions (PCR) and gel electrophoresis. Current research includes the biodiversity and functions of cryophilic microbiomes with the focus on snow and ice algal communities.
    The main equipment is a low temperature chamber. The environmental chamber (Percival LT-36VL) allows to perform incubation at set chosen environmental parameters, or following a program set by the user, with the …

  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    Processes related to the solvents extraction of snow and ice algae or particles are conducted in the Organic Microbial Geochemistry Lab. These processes are done in combination with ultrasonic bath, shaking, and solid phase extraction. Evaporation of organic extracts using nitrogen or argon gas, as well as various intermediate steps such as milling, acidification and filtration are also carried out in this lab. The subsequent analysis is done with the [Shimadzu Total Organic Carbon Analyzer …

  • FU - Freie Universität Berlin

    The lab is equipped with various instruments for the preparation of sediment and soil samples.

  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    The section is well equipped for rock crushing, sieving and milling, preparation of thin and polished sections and grain mounts, and mineral separation by gravimetric and magnetic methods. We maintain central facilities and equipment for cleaning, crushing, sieving and grinding rock samples, both for preparation of homogenized whole rock powders and for the production of mineral separates. Whole rock powders (grain sizes < 62 μm) are typically used for X-Ray diffraction (XRD), X-Ray …

  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    In the SedLab we analyze the compositional properties of sediments. Measuring the full range of grain size distributions from a few nanometers to centimeters and determine the shape of each single grain. Disentangling sediments allows scientists to infer the history of the sediments, interpret sedimentary archives and learn about the processes that have generated and transported the sediments.
    The SedLab of the geomorphology section is fully equipped lab for measuring routinely large …

  • UP - University of Potsdam

    The sediment processing laboratory is a space for preparing marine and non-marine sedimentary samples for microscopy and other analyses, which require individual components or fabric specific analysis (e.g., Mass Spectrometry, trace metals, isotope studies…). Preparation methods include separating and picking of biogenic particles, thin section dying techniques, sieving for granulometry, and creating smear slides and acetate peels.

  • AWI - Alfred Wegener Institute

    The sedimentology lab at the Permafrost Research section aims to study the transport and accumulation processes of permafrost-related deposits and classify sediment sequences in general. Therefore, the following parameters are investigated: sediment structure description, grain-size distribution and mass specific magnetic susceptibility.