Laboratory Search

16 laboratories found (0.13 s)
  • UP - University of Potsdam

    The Electron Microprobe lab offers non-destructive chemical analyses of solids using a JEOL JXA-8200 Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA) with an EDX detector. The microprobe is capable of quantitatively measuring the abundance of all elements from C to U using five wavelength-dispersive spectrometers (WDS) and an energy-dispersive X-Ray spectrometer (EDX) for rapid analyses. This analytical technique combines micron-scale chemical analyses with scanning electron microscopy and is capable of …

  • MfN - Museum für Naturkunde

    The Electron Microprobe Lab houses a JEOL JXA-8500F electron microprobe that is equipped with a field-emission cathode, five wavelength-dispersive X-Ray spectrometers, and an energy-dispersive spectrometer. Electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) is mainly used to quantitatively investigate the chemical composition of rocks and mineral phases in the micrometer to centimeter range.
    Typically, polished sections of rocks or minerals are used for this purpose, but highly vacuum-resistant fossil …

  • FU - Freie Universität Berlin

    The Institute of Geological Sciences hosts a JEOL JXA 8200 Superprobe equipped with five wavelength-dispersive spectrometers (WDS) and one energy-dispersive (EDS) detector. We perform non-destructive chemical analysis and imaging of solid materials at the micrometer scale using a focused electron beam. The instrument is primarily used in WDS mode for quantitative analysis against reference materials and element distribution mapping. Other applications are: qualitative element analysis (EDS, …

  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    The electron microprobe technique allows for nondestructive analyses of smallest parts of materials (in micrometer range) with high precision. Materials that can be analyzed are embedded and polished mineral grains (also gemstones), glass particles as well as rocks. Except for H, He, and Li all elements of the periodic table until including U can be detected and quantified. The GFZ maintains two electron microprobes, a JEOL Hyperprobe JXA-8530F PLUS with a field emission (FE) electron gun and …

  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    The new state-of-the-art transmission electron microscope from Thermo Fisher Scientific Themis Z brings a lot of new opportunities for the characterization of crystal structure, microstructures and chemical composition of materials. Simultaneous imaging of heavy and light elements, and atomic resolution elemental imaging allow to investigate atomic structure with sub-Angstrom resolution.

  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    The FEI Quanta 3D FEG is a state-of-the-art Dual Beam machine combining traditional thermal emission scanning electron microscope (SEM) with focused ion beam (FIB). This combination allows the characterization of materials in 2D and 3D (tomography), TEM sample preparation (TEM Lamella), observations at the subsurface of the specimens (cross section imaging) and structural modification of sample surfaces at the micrometer to nanometer scale.
    The machine features three different vacuum modes …

  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    The Transmission Electron Microscopy TEM laboratory is a state-of-the-art facility equipped with a FEI Tecnai G2 F20 X-Twin transmission electron microscope and a FEI FIB200TEM Focused Ion Beam device for specimen preparation. The laboratory provides powerful techniques for characterization of crystal structure, microstructures and chemical composition of materials down to a near atomic level.

  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    The Field Emission-Scanning Electron Microscope of the Zeiss Ultra Plus allows you to capture, analyze and supplement high-resolution images to get total information out of your sample. The complete detection system of the Ultra Plus combines a high-tech Gemini FE-SEM column with various detectors: the Inlens & SE-Detector for high-resolution images, the inlens Energy selective Backscatter Detector (EsB) & Annular Backscatter Detector (AsB) for impressive material contrast of any samples, and …

  • FU - Freie Universität Berlin

    The scanning electron microscope provides microphotographs with up to five thousand times magnification. The generated images are images of the object surfaces and have a high depth of focus. Objects from micropaleontology such as foraminifera, ostracods and gastropods are routinely analyzed with the aid of this instrument. For this purpose a ZEISS SUPRATM 40 VP Ultra with a thermal field emission cathode (with variably adjustable pressure for detailed topographic imaging of non-conductive …

  • UP - University of Potsdam

    A scanning electron microscope (SEM) is designed for fast analytical and micro-morphological investigation of surfaces. The lab is running a JEOL JSM-6510 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) (W-filament, 0.5-30 kV acceleration voltage) combined with an Oxford Instrument INCAx-act detector (Energy Dispersive X-Ray spectrometer, EDX) for fast analytical and micro-morphological investigations. The maximum sample size is 32 mm in diameter; spatial resolution of the SEM down to 3 nm (30 kV). Two …