PISA – Potsdam Imaging and Spectral Analysis Facility
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
About the Laboratory Complex
PISA – Potsdam Imaging and Spectral Analysis Facility
- GFZ Research Infrastructure: Modular Earth Science Infrastructure MESI
- Networks: Geo.X
- Tbd
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The PISA facility combines the state-of-the-art imaging and spectral technologies for all kinds of research applications. It consists of a range of electron microscopes with various detectors including EBSD and EDS, and optical microscopes.
High-resolution transmission electron microscopy, analytical electron microscopy (AEM), electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS), and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) combined with focused ion beam (FIB) sample preparation are long established techniques at the GFZ for both fundamental and applied research. For example, this instrumentation is used to assess nanoscale reactions at mineral grain boundaries in order to understand fluid flow and metasomatism on terrestrial and planetary materials.
Imaging of organic-inorganic and microbe-mineral-fluid interfaces has unraveled a plethora of Earth surface processes, including (bio)weathering, coccolith formation and the role of ancient fossilized microbes in element cycling. On the applied side, determination of the microstructure and nano-mineralogy of gas shales is used to define permeability, a crucial parameter for estimating the viability of potential gas shale reservoirs.
Detailed information regarding the application process for PISA projects are provided here. The PISA Facility is a laboratory complex and consists of several sub-modules. For more details, please see the individual websites.
- PISA - Optical Microscopes
- PISA - Thermo Fisher Scientific Themis Z (TEM)
- PISA – FEI Quanta 3D Dual Beam (SEM & FIB)
- PISA – Helios G4 UC - Dual Beam (SEM-FIB)
- PISA – Liquid Phase-(Scanning) Transmission Electron Microscopy (LP-(S)TEM)
- PISA – Sample Preparation Lab
- PISA – Transmission Electron Microscopy Laboratory (TEM)
- PISA – ZEISS Ultra Plus Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)