PISA – Sample Preparation Lab
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
About the Laboratory
PISA – Sample Preparation Lab
- PISA – Potsdam Imaging and Spectral Analysis Facility laboratory complex
- GFZ Research Infrastructure: Modular Earth Science Infrastructure MESI
- Networks: Geo.X
- Tbd
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Sample preparation instruments are available for all kinds of samples for scanning electron microscopes and transmission electron microscopes: Gold-Palladium Sputter Coater - Leica; Carbon Coater - Leica; Cryo Sample Preparation - Leica; Gatan Model 656 Dimple Grinder - a precision tool used to mechanically produce dimples in the surface of materials like ceramics, semiconductors and metals; Gatan Model Duo Mill 600 - a post-ion milling device used to prepare electron transparent specimens for transmission electron microscopy; Vitrobot Mark IV System - an advanced specimen preparation device, which automates the vitrification process, to provide fast, easy and reproducible preparation of biological, food, industrial, pharmaceutical or other materials prone to electron beam damage, and more.
- Microscope
Sliding Microtome - Grinding Machine
- Coater
- Polishing Machine
- Sputter
Analytical Methods
- Microscopy
- Microtomy
- Grinding
- Polishing
- Sputtering
- Coating
Laboratory Keywords
- Cryo Sample Preparation
- Sample Preparation for Scanning Electron Microscopes