Sediment Laboratory
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
About the Laboratory
Sediment Laboratory
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In the SedLab we analyze the compositional properties of sediments. Measuring the full range of grain size distributions from a few nanometers to centimeters and determine the shape of each single grain. Disentangling sediments allows scientists to infer the history of the sediments, interpret sedimentary archives and learn about the processes that have generated and transported the sediments.
The SedLab of the geomorphology section is fully equipped lab for measuring routinely large batches of sediments. Depending on the specific requirements of scientists the sediments need to be prepared and cleaned before analysis. We offer scientists and students from partner institutions to come for processing samples in the sediment lab or even process the samples for them depending on the workload of each specific project. We adapted the preparation routine for samples accordingly to the needs of each projects and the scientific questions.
Besides the analytical lab work we also develop numerical methods and tools to further evaluate the measurements and gain the maximum scientific information from the data. These tools are dynamically developed and can be adapted to specific user needs.
- Laser Particle Size Analyzer
- Particle Analyzer
- Sieve Shaker
- Centrifuge
- Drying Cabinet
- Filter
- Shaker
Analytical Methods
Particle Size Analysis
Grain Size Analysis, Grain Size Distribution, Laser Diffraction Analyzer, Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analysis, Laser Diffraction Particle Sizing Analyzer, Laser Diffractometer, Particle Size Measurement, Particle Sizing, Particle Sizing Laser Diffraction Analyzer -
Particle Analysis
Grain Size Distribution, Imaging Particle Analysis, Particle Shape, Particle Size Distribution
Laboratory Keywords
- Sediment Preparation