Laboratory Search

3 laboratories found (0.037 s)
  • FU - Freie Universität Berlin

    The Institute of Geological Sciences hosts a JEOL JXA 8200 Superprobe equipped with five wavelength-dispersive spectrometers (WDS) and one energy-dispersive (EDS) detector. We perform non-destructive chemical analysis and imaging of solid materials at the micrometer scale using a focused electron beam. The instrument is primarily used in WDS mode for quantitative analysis against reference materials and element distribution mapping. Other applications are: qualitative element analysis (EDS, …

  • FU - Freie Universität Berlin

    The scanning electron microscope provides microphotographs with up to five thousand times magnification. The generated images are images of the object surfaces and have a high depth of focus. Objects from micropaleontology such as foraminifera, ostracods and gastropods are routinely analyzed with the aid of this instrument. For this purpose a ZEISS SUPRATM 40 VP Ultra with a thermal field emission cathode (with variably adjustable pressure for detailed topographic imaging of non-conductive …

  • FU - Freie Universität Berlin

    The "Automated Mineralogy Lab" is equipped with a field emission SEM and light microscope for thin section mapping. The Zeiss Sigma 300 VP Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope is equipped with a Zeiss Gemini column, two Bruker Quantax Xflash 60 mm² SSD EDS detectors for quantitative element analysis, one variable pressure secondary electron detector (VPSE), one high definition backscatter detector (HDBSE), one Inlens detector, two Zeiss ATLAS correlative microscopy systems, two …