Laboratory Search

13 laboratories found (0.055 s)
  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    The development of geophysical exploration systems with high resolution for underground applications and mobile operation on the surface implicate many interesting problems to be solved with electronics. That is, design and programming of radio-controlled data acquisition systems as well as control systems for seismic impulse and vibrator sources. Another challenging task is the planning, installation and initial operation of electrode arrays in boreholes. For testing and optimization of the …

  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    FLECAS-HT is a unique flow-through system enabling the simultaneous measurement of permeability and electrical resistivity (co-axial 4-electrode arrangement) on rock cylinders with a diameter of 30 mm and a length of 75 mm at temperatures of up to 500 °C. Currently, FLECAS-HT can be operated at a maximum confining Ar-gas pressure of 40 MPa, and a pore fluid pressure of 25 MPa. Due to the corrosive nature of high enthalpy aqueous fluids, the sample must be encapsulated with a gold tube.

  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    Optical fibers are well suited for deployment in boreholes as they can tolerate harsh environments, i.e. high pressures and temperatures, or strongly corrosive media, and are immune to electromagnetic interference.
    The following devices are available for fiber-optic field and laboratory experiments: distributed temperature sensing (DTS), distributed dynamic strain sensing (DDSS), distributed strain sensing, interrogator for fiber-optic point-sensing (FBG, Fabry-Perot), devices for fibre …

  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    FLECAS was designed as versatile and transportable core analysis system for the investigation of consolidated and unconsolidated rocks under reservoir temperature and pressure conditions. It comprises a measuring setup for the measurement of porosity, permeability, electrical resistivity, ultrasonic compressional and shear wave velocities and amplitudes. The system was applied to
    (1) study of gas hydrate bearing sediments in the frame of the Mallik 2002 gas hydrate production research well …

  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    The High-Temperature Fluid Measuring Cell is a flow-through device that allows to measure the electrical conductivity of highly corrosive aqueous fluids in dependence of pressure and temperature. So far, the facility was used to study geothermal high-temperature reservoirs at temperatures up to 425°C and fluid pressures up to 350 bar. Beyond the determination of intrinsic fluid properties, the measuring cell is capable to study the effect of fluid–rock interactions at supercritical conditions. …

  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    LARS is large volume experimental apparatus for the investigation of anthropogenic induces and natural occurring reservoir processes under simulated in situ conditions in the lab. The sediment sample has a diameter of 0.45 m and a length of 1.35 m. This large sample allows the installation of "model wells" for the injection and production of pore fluids as well as the installation of different sensors to monitor various physical parameters during an experiment.
    The apparatus was set up …

  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    The devices for geoelectric measurements include various tools such as a GeoTom, resistivity probes, non-polarizable probes and electrode cables of various lengths for surface and downhole application. A sandbox model (diameter and height 0.6 m) is employed for miniaturized geoelectric measurements. The optoelectronic laboratory provides a suitable development peripheral to create system solutions based on optical, electronical and mechanical components and thus to support the engineering work …

  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    The Laboratory for Earth Magnetism in Time and Space deals with magnetostratigraphic dating of paleoclimate archive sand the reconstruction of geomagnetic field variation in the geological past. Therefore, intensity and directions of sedimentary magnetizations are determined. Further, magnetic minerals are characterized by their physical properties, such as coercivity, Curie temperature, grain size, and concentration, as well as by their chemical composition and preservation status.

  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    With the mechanical testing system (MTS) hydrostatic pressures up to 140 MPa and temperatures up to 200 °C can be simulated. The pressure and temperature within the chamber are continuously monitored by an external pressure sensor and two internal thermocouples (Type K). Within the pressure chamber, the thermocouples are located at top and bottom of the test specimen. To measure the axial and lateral strains of the sandstone samples, two axial extensometers and one circumferential chain …

  • GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences

    The experimental task is to realize controlled long-term investigations on the permeability evolution of sedimentary rocks at simulated pressure- and temperature conditions pertinent to geothermal reservoirs.

    Therefore, the investigations are performed in a set of two apparatuses that allow a variety of continuous petrophysical measurements at a maximum temperature, lithostatic- and pore pressure of 200 °C, 140 and 50 MPa, respectively. The typical flow rate is 15 ml/h and the anticipated …