Mechanical Testing System

GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
last updated: February 4, 2025

About the Laboratory

Mechanical Testing System

GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
@ Section 4.3 Geoenergy
This Laboratory is part of:
  • Networks: Geo.X


  • Tbd
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With the mechanical testing system (MTS) hydrostatic pressures up to 140 MPa and temperatures up to 200 °C can be simulated. The pressure and temperature within the chamber are continuously monitored by an external pressure sensor and two internal thermocouples (Type K). Within the pressure chamber, the thermocouples are located at top and bottom of the test specimen. To measure the axial and lateral strains of the sandstone samples, two axial extensometers and one circumferential chain extensometer were installed during all tests. The hydraulic system Quizix C-6000-10 K is connected to the pore pressure ports. Quizix C-6000-10 K enables fluid volume measurements with a resolution of 0.0000135 ml up to maximum flow rates of 200 ml/min. The maximum possible pore pressure is 68.9 MPa with a static accuracy of 0.06%.


  • MTS - Mechanical Testing System

Analytical Methods

Laboratory Keywords

