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GFZ Infrastructures
13 laboratories found (0.062 s)
  • FU - Freie Universität Berlin

    Complete Fission Track dating facilities are available at the FU Berlin. We have a fully equipped mineral separation laboratory for concentrating apatite and zircon. Facilities for mounting, polishing, and etching samples are in collaboration with University of Potsdam. We host a Zeiss © Axioplan 2 microscope with a maximum magnification of 1250 x paired with a Drawing Board VI ©, stage control, LED courser mouse and the FT Stage © software for counting and length measurements. Data record and …

  • HU - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

    The grain size composition can be determined with a laser diffractometer from Beckman-Coulter. The laser particle analyzer LS 13320 simultaneously measures the range from 2 mm to 40 nm. The laser particle analyzer uses the different light scattering of particles of different sizes.
    We also perform particle size determinations for external customers. If you are interested and have any questions, please contact the laboratory manager

  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    The laboratory for microscopy focuses on the specific requirements of microfacies analysis of lake sediments, but also offers a wide range of possibilities for other applications. Sedimentological, petrographic and microfacies analyses on all kinds of covered and uncovered thin sections and polished sections with transmitted and incident light are performed.

  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    In our laboratory, the stable isotopes of the light elements carbon (C), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O) and hydrogen (H) in continental geoarchives such as lake sediments and speleothems as well as in precipitation and surface water are measured. Stable isotopes are non-radioactive nuclides of an element with the same number of protons and different numbers of neutrons and thus different atomic masses. This results in different physical properties that can lead to a shift in the isotope ratios in a …

  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    The laboratory for XRF Element Scanning provides qualitative and non-destructive analyses of sediment compositions based on X-Ray Fluorescence. These analyses provide detailed element records and maps that can be used to characterize past depositional, environmental and climatic conditions.
    In detail, the lab is equipped with an X-Ray fluorescence core scanner to analyze split core sections up to 180 cm length and diameters between 6 and 12 cm. Further, two micro X-Ray fluorescence scanner …

  • UP - University of Potsdam

    Petrography is a powerful tool to investigate rocks samples and loose preparates. By means of a microscope we characterize the morphology, texture and mineralogy of the components as well as to describe post-depositional features (diagenesis). This enables us to perform environmental, biostratigraphic and stable isotope analyses, as well as pore-system evolution studies. Additionally we use Digital Image Analysis to quantify sedimentary fabrics and pore space structures.

  • UP - University of Potsdam

    In our petrophysics lab, we aim to unravel the complicated relationship between porosity and permeability in sedimentary rocks, reconstruct the origin and modification of the analyzed pore system throughout its paragenetic evolution, and precisely detect small-scale heterogeneities of petrophysical properties. Such detailed and comprehensive pore system analysis does not only complement to the understanding of the depositional and diagenetic rock-forming processes, but is of absolute essence …

  • FU - Freie Universität Berlin

    The preparation lab offers different preparation methods such as thin-section production, polishes, dye methods, hardening methods and others.

  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    In the SedLab we analyze the compositional properties of sediments. Measuring the full range of grain size distributions from a few nanometers to centimeters and determine the shape of each single grain. Disentangling sediments allows scientists to infer the history of the sediments, interpret sedimentary archives and learn about the processes that have generated and transported the sediments.
    The SedLab of the geomorphology section is fully equipped lab for measuring routinely large batches …

  • UP - University of Potsdam

    The sediment processing laboratory is a space for preparing marine and non-marine sedimentary samples for microscopy and other analyses, which require individual components or fabric specific analysis (e.g., Mass Spectrometry, trace metals, isotope studies…). Preparation methods include separating and picking of biogenic particles, thin section dying techniques, sieving for granulometry, and creating smear slides and acetate peels.