Laboratory Search

3 laboratories found (0.07 s)
  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    Sample preparation instruments are available for all kinds of samples for scanning electron microscopes: Gold-Palladium Sputter Coater - Leica; Carbon Coater - Leica; Cryo Sample Preparation - Leica; Gatan Model 656 Dimple Grinder - a precision tool used to mechanically produce dimples in the surface of materials like ceramics, semiconductors and metals; Gatan Model Duo Mill 600 - a post-ion milling device used to prepare electron transparent specimens for transmission electron microscopy; …

  • UP - University of Potsdam

    The sample preparation laboratories provide facilities to prepare geological samples for a wide range of analytical methods. These include mineral separations for geochronologic analysis, mineral powders for geochemical analysis and polished thin sections for microscopy.

  • TU - Technische Universität Berlin

    A special grinding laboratory enables the production of thin sections of various rock types. Precision saws in various sizes, a grinding machine (MPS), a lapping machine (Logitec) and a polishing machine are available for this.