Laboratory Search

2 laboratories found (0.039 s)
  • TU - Technische Universität Berlin

    The Rigaku SmartLab is a multipurpose X-Ray diffractometer system equipped with a high-flux 9kW rotating Cu anode and a 2D-detector. The X-Y-Z table holds samples up to 20 kg in weight and allows mappings on samples with a dimension of up to 87 x 100 mm. The device can be used for powder diffraction and for µ-spot analysis on different types of rock sections. Samples: Rock powders, sections up to 20 kg and 87 x 100 mm; Spot size: 100 μm / 300 μm / 500 μm

  • UP - University of Potsdam

    X-Ray Powder diffraction is a non-destructive technique for phase- and Rietveld analysis of crystalline materials. It is used for the determination of detailed phase composition, quantitative Rietveld analysis, nanocrystallite-sizes, lattice parameters, amorphous content, and 1d-Mappings. The lab is equipped with an Empyrean powder X-Ray diffractometer (Panalytical), working in reflection (Bragg-Brentano) or transmission theta-theta geometry. It is equipped with a Cu-tube, a fast PIXcel 1d …