XRD-Lab for X-Ray Powder Diffraction
UP - University of Potsdam
About the Laboratory
XRD-Lab for X-Ray Powder Diffraction
- Mineralogy Equipment laboratory complex
- Networks: Geo.X
- Tbd
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X-Ray Powder diffraction is a non-destructive technique for phase- and Rietveld analysis of crystalline materials. It is used for the determination of detailed phase composition, quantitative Rietveld analysis, nanocrystallite-sizes, lattice parameters, amorphous content, and 1d-Mappings. The lab is equipped with an Empyrean powder X-Ray diffractometer (Panalytical), working in reflection (Bragg-Brentano) or transmission theta-theta geometry. It is equipped with a Cu-tube, a fast PIXcel 1d detector and an automatic 30-position autosampler. It offers additional accessories to perform various types of measurements (sample holder with 0-background, focusing X-Ray mirror, Kapton-film cover for transmission, programmable XYZ-stage for sample positioning and 1d mapping, capillary spinner).
XRPD - X-Ray Powder Diffractometer
PXRD, Powder X-Ray Diffractometer, XRD
Analytical Methods
XRPD - X-Ray Powder Diffraction
PXRD, Powder X-Ray Diffraction, X-Ray Diffraction, X-Ray Diffraction Analysis, XRD