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- Coating
- CSLM - Confocal Lase…Scanning Microscopy
- Dyeing Methods
- FIB-SEM - Focused Io…Electron Microscopy
- Grinding
- Hardening Methods
- HTP-IRMS - High-Temp…o Mass Spectrometry
- IRMS - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
- LMD - Laser Microdissection
- Microscopy
- Microtomy
- Polarization Microscopy
- Polishing
- Preparation of Thin …d Polished Sections
- Reflected Light Microscopy
- Sawing
- Sputtering
- Transmitted Light Microscopy
- Tree Ring Analysis
- Ball Mill
- Belt Sander
- BIB - Broad Ion Beam Polisher
- Binocular
- CNC Molding Cutter
- Coater
- CSLM - Confocal Lase…Scanning Microscope
- FIB - Focused Ion Beam
- FIB-SEM - Focused Io…Electron Microscope
- Grinding Machine
- HTTP-IRMS - High-Tem…o Mass Spectrometer
- Increment Borer
- IRMS - Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer
- Lapping Machine
- Laser Microdissection Microscope
- Microtome
- Optical Scanner
- Polarization Microscope
- Polishing Machine
- Reflected Light Microscope
- Sieve
- Sputter
- Transmitted Light Microscope
- Ultrasonic Cleaning Device
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for GeosciencesThe Laboratory for Dendroclimatology aims to reconstruct the temporal and spatial variability of the climate of the past utilizing multi-parameter tree ring analysis and to assess and verify the causes of climate change and its impact on woody plants.
The following tasks are covered:
- quantitative analysis of the climate-signal transfer from atmosphere through soil and leaf into the wood of tree rings (Monitoring, calibration and verification of tree ring parameters vs. instrumental …
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for GeosciencesThe laboratory for thin-section preparation is specialized in the preparation of thin sections of soft and unconsolidated lacustrine and marine sediments, soils, hygroscopic sediment samples such as salts and clays, and freeze cores, as well as of hard rock, minerals, ores, and grain samples.
Thick and thin sections, ultrathin sections, polished sections (single and double-sided), grain mounts (minerals embedded in epoxy), single crystal slides and reference samples of various formats can …
MfN - Museum für NaturkundeMineralogical preparation covers the spectrum of coarse and fine sawing work, polished sections and thin sections polished on one or both sides. Surface and thin sections can be produced in Giessen format or as one-inch cylindrical sections. The laboratory is equipped with various rock saws, an inner diameter saw, two GNM grinding machines, two Logitech polishing machines, and a polishing machine for vibration polishing.
FU - Freie Universität BerlinThe preparation lab offers different preparation methods such as thin-section production, polishes, dye methods, hardening methods and others.
FU - Freie Universität BerlinIn the Rock-Lab thin-section, thick-section, polished-section and separation work can be used for teaching and research. The thin-section preparation is an important method for working on paleontological, geological and mineralogical questions.
TU - Technische Universität BerlinSamples that are to be examined with the aid of a microscope must be prepared specifically for the instrument. To do this, the conditions of the instrument and the sample holder must be known: sample size - sample height or thickness - surface condition - conductivity - vacuum resistance. For any examination procedure, the sample should first be viewed with a light microscope.
There are preparation facilities for the use of the available equipment. This option is primarily intended for users …