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GFZ Helmholtz Centre for GeosciencesFor rock deformation experiments we handle different apparatuses, allowing to perform brittle (low temperature) tests on large rock samples (MTS servo-hydraulic press) and high temperature (ductile) experiments on small samples (Paterson-type gas deformation apparatus at high confining pressure, uniaxial creep rig at atmospheric pressure). The following facilities are operated: servohydraulic MTS press, gas deformation apparatus and high temperature creep apparatus.
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for GeosciencesFor characterization of pores and fractures within rocks the laboratory is equipped with an X-Ray computer tomography system (Nanotom CT), He-gas pycnometer (AccuPyc), Hg porosimeter (2000 WS), and a gas adsorption porosimeter (TS Surfer). For damage-free preparation of 1 - 2 mm² large, almost planar surfaces, a broad ion beam (BIB) polisher operating with an Ar-Ion beam is operated.