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AWI - Alfred Wegener InstituteA ThermoFisher Delta-V Mass Spectrometer has been purchased in 2015 for carbon and nitrogen isotope analytics of sediment and organic matter samples. This method is mainly employed for ecological research questions in the terrestrial Arctic realm (Siberia, Canada, Alaska). The ThermoFisher Delta-V Mass Spectrometer comprises a ConFlo IV gas mixing system and a Flash EA 2000 Autosampler and Elemental Analyzer for the measurement of stable C and N isotope composition.
For this method, sediment …
AWI - Alfred Wegener InstituteWe use a PDZ Europa 2020 Mass Spectrometer (MS-2020; now supplied by Sercon Ltd., UK) with a coupled self-constructed laser fluorination line for analyzing stable oxygen isotopes in biogenic silica samples (diatoms, radiolaria, sponge spicules). Our research focuses mainly on Arctic lake systems. For measuring stable oxygen isotopes in biogenic silica, a sediment sample undergoes several preparation steps including wet chemistry and heavy liquid separation to achieve a pure opal sample (> 97% …
AWI - Alfred Wegener InstituteFor analyzing hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of water in solids, liquids or the vapor phase, the CRDS technique (Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy, Fa. Picarro Inc.) is used. This technique is field deployable, and may be used for micro amounts of water, as it needs only a few μl per injection. The ISOLAB FACILITY of the AWI in Potsdam is equipped with five cavity ring down spectrometers operating in different measuring modes. Two devices are located at joint MPI-AWI Isotope Lab in Yakutsk and …
AWI - Alfred Wegener InstituteThree Finnigan MAT Delta-S Mass Spectrometers are used for Stable Water Isotope Analytics (δ¹⁸O, δD) in the Stable Isotope Laboratory at AWI Potsdam since many years. The widely identical mass spectrometers are coupled with two equilibration units each to measure hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of water and ice samples. The equilibration technique uses thermally constant GFL water shaking baths units. Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of water and ice samples are measured from the same aliquot (ca. 3 …
AWI - Alfred Wegener InstituteIn this lab the soil physical and thermal properties of undisturbed and artificial samples (i.e. porosity, thermal and hydraulic conductivity) are analyzed. The applications comprise calibration, testing and quality control of meteorological and soil physical sensors for polar environments in long-term observations. The work done here serves as experimental bridge between field observations and numerical modelling; testing and unravelling complex physical processes.