Laboratory Search

4 laboratories found (0.06 s)
  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    The ElMiE Lab is a research-oriented facility and part of the Helmholtz center in Potsdam. The ElMiE – Lab offers the sample preparation and analyses of geological or environmental inorganic samples for element concentrations and mineralogy of inorganic materials. Laboratories and instruments associated with the ElMiE Lab include the XRD, XRF, …

  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    The Mineral Synthesis Lab complex is equipped with a very diverse suite of spectroscopic and scattering instruments to determine material chemical composition, structure, surface area and grain size of both synthetic and natural samples.

  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    An X-Ray Diffraction analysis is a method in which a beam of X-Rays is usually directed at a fine powder of randomly oriented grains of crystalline substances. The X-Rays are scattered in directions that depend on the crystal structure of the sample and the resulting X-Ray diffraction pattern can uniquely identify the material. The method is used to identify individual minerals in randomly oriented bulk rock powder samples (grain sizes < 62 μm for qualitative analysis, < 10 μm for quantitative …

  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    The determination of angles and intensities produced by diffraction of X-Ray radiation by mineral lattices provides information, which is characteristic for their crystalline structures. X-Ray powder diffraction is used by for identification, quantitative phase analysis and structure refinement of phases in synthesized powders. Most diffraction data is processed by the Rietveld method using the GSAS software package.
    The lab includes two STOE Stadi P diffractometer equipped with a curved …