Laboratory Search

2 laboratories found (0.039 s)
  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    In order to dissolve minerals from its compound that are suitable for radiometric dating and to get rid of their adhesions in the best possible way, the stone is ground several times with the jaw crusher and the roller mill. The minerals suitable for the chosen dating methodology are separated using density differences, magnetic properties and grain shape. Subsequently, the millbase is sieved; the finer grain fraction is of interest for further processing.
    The Wilfley wet-shaking hearth …

  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    In the SedLab we analyze the compositional properties of sediments. Measuring the full range of grain size distributions from a few nanometers to centimeters and determine the shape of each single grain. Disentangling sediments allows scientists to infer the history of the sediments, interpret sedimentary archives and learn about the processes that have generated and transported the sediments.
    The SedLab of the geomorphology section is fully equipped lab for measuring routinely large batches …