Laboratory Search
GFZ - German Research Centre for GeosciencesThe main application of the mass spectrometer is the analysis of stable isotope ratios in a wide range of materials. We focus on stable metal(loid) isotope analysis of Li, Mg, Si, Fe, and Sr isotopes, but are – in principle – capable of measuring other systems. Alternatively, to solution MC-ICP-MS, a femtosecond laser ablation system can be coupled to the MC-ICP-MS for (in situ) micro scale isotope ratio analysis of solid samples.
Inductively Coupled Plasma Multicollector Mass …
GFZ - German Research Centre for GeosciencesThe Isotope Geochemistry Labs are equipped with a clean room facility (including several low-blank chemistry laboratories (class 100), sample preparation and ion-exchange chromatography, a set up for isotope systems: Pb, U-Pb, Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd as well as B and Li isotopes), two thermal ionization mass-spectrometers (TIMS) and a multi-collector mass-spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma source (MC-ICP-MS).