HELGES – Neptune | Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS)

GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
last updated: December 30, 2024

About the Laboratory

HELGES – Neptune | Multicollector Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS)

GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
@ Section 3.3 Earth Surface Geochemistry
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The main application of the mass spectrometer is the analysis of stable isotope ratios in a wide range of materials. We focus on stable metal(loid) isotope analysis of Li, Mg, Si, Fe, and Sr isotopes, but are – in principle – capable of measuring other systems. Alternatively, to solution MC-ICP-MS, a femtosecond laser ablation system can be coupled to the MC-ICP-MS for (in situ) micro scale isotope ratio analysis of solid samples.
Inductively Coupled Plasma Multicollector Mass Spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS) is a versatile method for high precision isotopic analyses. The Thermo Neptune is a high-resolution multicollector inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer capable of resolving isobaric interferences. Our MC-ICP-MS has a NeptunePlus upgrade, consisting of a large interface pump (Pfeiffer OnToolBooster) and a Jet-cone interface for increased sensitivity. The instrument is equipped with nine Faraday cup detectors (eight are moveable), an axial discrete dynode secondary electron multiplier (SEM) with RPQ, and two miniaturised SEMs (CDD at H4 and L4) for high abundance-sensitivity measurements.


  • Multiple Collector Mass Spectrometer

Analytical Methods

Laboratory Keywords

