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GFZ - German Research Centre for GeosciencesThis lab is dedicated to mineral synthesis and other experiments using mostly inorganic chemistry or hydrothermal synthesis methods. The lab is equipped with standard chemical laboratory equipment such as analytical balance, centrifuge, fume hood, furnaces, hotplate stirrers, ovens, dry block heater, pH meters as well as reflux setups and sonicator bath. Hydrothermal synthesis is possible in closed Teflon lined cells heated either conductively or by microwave irradiation.
GFZ - German Research Centre for GeosciencesThis lab is dedicated for the synthesis of redox-active iron mineral phases, as well as their interaction with redox-sensitive trace elements (e.g., As, Cr,) and anaerobic microbes, under oxygen-limited conditions. It is equipped with two anaerobic chamber workstations, setup for liquid degassing to remove O₂, sample autodiluter for trace element analysis and standard chemical laboratory equipment such as analytical balance, centrifuge, fume hood, hotplate stirrer, shaking incubator, oven and …
GFZ - German Research Centre for GeosciencesIn the Gas Chromatography Lab whole oil analyzes are performed with special attention to saturated hydrocarbons, highly volatile organic compounds, and lipid fractions (e.g. fatty acids, alcohols, sterols).
GFZ - German Research Centre for GeosciencesFor complex geodynamic questions, a wide variety of analytical methods and procedures is employed in the analytics and preparation laboratory. Some of the analytic equipment is located in our group; others are operated in cooperation with GFZ sections, e.g. the Laboratory for Thin-section Preparation together with section 4.3. There is also close cooperation with other research institutes, universities, and industry. Interested scientists from outside the GFZ may also use our Preparation …
GFZ - German Research Centre for GeosciencesFor quantification of organic (e.g. acetate, formate) and inorganic anions (e.g. chloride, sulfate) in aqueous samples ion exchange chromatography is used.
The quantification of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in aqueous samples and chromatographic separation of the DOC into different fractions and quantification of these fractions in aqueous samples is done via liquid chromatography – organic carbon detection (LC-OCD).
GFZ - German Research Centre for GeosciencesKnowledge of the elastic properties of geomaterials at high P-T conditions plays a central role in determining the composition of the Earth's interior. The Brillouin interferometer at the GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences enables us to determine the sound wave velocities in minerals, glasses and liquids. For this purpose, we use so-called Brillouin scattering, i.e. the inelastic scattering of laser light by thermally activated lattice vibrations (phonons) in the analysed samples. Based on …
GFZ - German Research Centre for GeosciencesThe Bubble Lab is an experimental laboratory to study (a) fluids in hydrothermal terrain, and (b) volcano-tectonic processes. We simulate fluids and solids in two separate but closely related laboratories. First, we have an experimental laboratory for studying gas bubbles in hydrothermal and volcanic systems and an earthquake simulator. Second, we study the deformation and fracturing of scaled analog volcanoes and their intrusions. The goal of the Bubble & Volcano Lab is to study the …
GFZ - German Research Centre for GeosciencesWithin the research group CLEAR we endeavor to understand large scale geological processes that operate deep inside planets. Our approach is to recreate high pressure-temperature conditions in the laboratory and examine various physical properties of minerals and rocks (in situ) using state-of-the-art spectroscopic techniques. Specifically, we use statically- and dynamically-heated diamond anvil cells together with a pulsed time-resolved broadband optical probe and a precisely-synchronized …
GFZ - German Research Centre for GeosciencesDifferential scanning calorimetry (DSC) is a method of thermal analysis for determining the amount of heat released or consumed by a sample at a defined temperature change. For this purpose, a container with sample material and an empty reference container are simultaneously exposed to the same temperature regime. During the investigated process (phase changes and/or chemical reactions), energy is consumed or released by the sample. These exothermic or endothermic processes are mirrored by …
GFZ - German Research Centre for GeosciencesSeveral analysis tools are available for cell-based research e.g. facilities to carry out polymerase chain reactions (PCR). The qTower³ G touch qPCR machine is a 96-well format and currently uses one SYBR Green module, however, can be equipped with up to six for multiplexing capabilities. One main function of this system will be to evaluate stress parameters on microbial communities collected from Arctic snow and ice samples.