EleMap - Elemental mapping by LA-ICP-MS
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
About the Laboratory
EleMap - Elemental mapping by LA-ICP-MS
- Geochemistry Laboratories laboratory complex
- Networks: Geo.X
- Tbd
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The EleMap Lab is devoted to in situ analyses of minor and trace elements in minerals and other geological materials. We have a Teledyne Analyte Excite 193 nm excimer laser coupled to a Thermo Scientific iCAP RQ quadrupole ICP-MS and a Thermo Scientific iCAP TQ quadrupole ICP-MS, which can filter masses through the use of a reaction cell (MS/MS). The Laser system delivers a fully homogenized laser beam which ensures uniform ablation across the entire range of spot sizes with ns pulse length (< 4 ns). The repetition rate is fully adjustable between 1 and 300 Hz with beamsize on the sample between 2 and 150 microns.
Our differential is the added capability for efficient high spatial resolution chemical mapping. The fully synchronized stage motion, combined with fast washout times, make precision depth profiling of spots, lines and areas possible and enables high spatial resolution elemental mapping. Furthermore, the laser system is equipped with the fast wash out system ARIS (aerosol rapid introduction system) and a HelEx II two volume cell with an accurate stage travel within 1 micron.
Current capabilities are mapping, spot and profile analyses of elemental concentration for nearly the whole periodic table. Routine analyses can be done for Sulphides: Chalcopyrite, Pyrite, Galena, Sphalerite; Oxides: Rutile; Silicates: Zircon, Titanite; and Glasses. Further information on how to apply for analyses as well as the corresponding sample list, can be found on the laboratory's website.