Laboratory Search

2 laboratories found (0.069 s)
  • MfN - Museum für Naturkunde

    In the Isotope Laboratory, stable isotopes of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen are investigated by determining the ratio of individual isotopes (atoms of one element whose nuclei contain different numbers of neutrons) in the sample material. The isotopic composition of the sample allows conclusions about, for instance, the prevailing temperature and precipitation regime when the material was formed. In addition to paleoclimatology, stable isotopes are also utilized in geological, …

  • MfN - Museum für Naturkunde

    In the Micro-CT laboratory, biological, paleontological, and geological objects are analyzed using computer-assisted methods. The laboratory is a hub both for research at the museum and for the digitisation of the scientific collections. In addition to various devices for three-dimensional scanning (a Phoenix Nanotom S X-Ray tomograph, an Artec Spider and an Artec EVA hand-held scanner), the laboratory has 12 powerful workstations for processing and analyzing the raw data using special 3D …