Laboratory Search
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FU - Freie Universität BerlinThe "Automated Mineralogy Lab" is equipped with a field emission SEM and light microscope for thin section mapping. The Zeiss Sigma 300 VP Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope is equipped with a Zeiss Gemini column, two Bruker Quantax Xflash 60 mm² SSD EDS detectors for quantitative element analysis, one variable pressure secondary electron detector (VPSE), one high definition backscatter detector (HDBSE), one Inlens detector, two Zeiss ATLAS correlative microscopy systems, two …
TU - Technische Universität BerlinThe laboratory for light microscopy provides light optical images with topography and element contrast. The Microscopy Lab is equipped with a number of optical microscopes with reflected and transmitted light illumination and stereo microscopes.