Laboratory Search

2 laboratories found (0.06 s)
  • UP - University of Potsdam

    Cathodoluminescence microscopy is a technique to visualize in minerals and materials heterogeneities and internal structures that are invisible using pure optical methods (reflected and transmitted light microscopy). Internal structures of minerals become visible and are indicative of growth zoning, trace element zoning and structures allowing processes such as mineral growth, resolution and alteration to be reconstructed. Furthermore, it helps to rapidly distinguish optical similar minerals, …

  • MfN - Museum für Naturkunde

    The Scanning Electron Microscopy Lab additionally houses a Lumic HC3-LM "hot-cathode" cathodoluminescence (CL) microscope that is coupled to an optical microscope fitted with a color CCD camera. Color CL signals can be obtained from thin-sectioned rock and mineral samples, and CL signals, recorded with the CCD camera, allow, e.g., identification and spatial mapping of zoning patterns in minerals such as zircon and calcite.