Laboratory Search

3 laboratories found (0.072 s)
  • GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences

    The laboratory for XRF Element Scanning provides qualitative and non-destructive analyses of sediment compositions based on X-Ray Fluorescence. These analyses provide detailed element records and maps that can be used to characterize past depositional, environmental and climatic conditions.
    In detail, the lab is equipped with an X-Ray fluorescence core scanner to analyze split core sections up to 180 cm length and diameters between 6 and 12 cm. Further, two micro X-Ray fluorescence scanner …

  • TU - Technische Universität Berlin

    Bruker M4 Tornado is an energy-dispersive micro-X-Ray fluorescence spectrometer for the spatially resolved analysis of elements with atomic numbers from 11 (sodium). The device can analyze a wide range of samples such as large, inhomogeneous samples such or small particles. The M4 is equipped with capillary optics that realize spot sizes of 20 or 150 μm. Samples: rock sections or crystals, max. 190 x 160 mm; Spot size: 20 μm / 150 μm

  • TU - Technische Universität Berlin

    The electron beam microprobe - EPMA is applied for qualitative and quantitative elemental analysis with highest spatial resolution and detection sensitivity. The electron beam microprobe is a Jeol JXA-8530F equipped with a Schottky field emission cathode primarily used for quantitative elemental analyses of high accuracy and resolution.
    With the JEOL JXA-8530F, both SE and BSE recordings are possible in COMPO and TOPO modes. It is equipped with 5 WDX spectrometers for wavelength dispersive …