Laboratory Search
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GFZ - German Research Centre for GeosciencesThe static 1000 t laboratory press of Max Voggenreiter GmbH can be operated either with a Walker module as a multi anvil press or via a second hydraulic cylinder with a piston cylinder module (diameter 12.7 mm).
GFZ - German Research Centre for GeosciencesTo investigate the pressure/temperature regime of the Earth´s crust and shallow parts of the upper mantle, at the GFZ three piston cylinder presses are installed and run. Two of the three presses are non-endloaded piston cylinder apparatus ("Johannes-type"), with which pressures up to 2.1 GPa and temperatures up to 1400 °C can be reached. Salt/graphite- or natural fluorite/graphite-assemblages (latter for temperatures larger 800 °C) are of 2.2 cm diameter. Pressures were calibrated according …