Laboratory Search

2 laboratories found (0.039 s)
  • HU - Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

    The grain size composition can be determined with a laser diffractometer from Beckman-Coulter. The laser particle analyzer LS 13320 simultaneously measures the range from 2 mm to 40 nm. The laser particle analyzer uses the different light scattering of particles of different sizes.
    We also perform particle size determinations for external customers. If you are interested and have any questions, please contact the laboratory manager

  • UP - University of Potsdam

    The laboratory deals with the chemical and physical investigation of soil, water and plant materials. The samples to be processed here come, for example, from research projects in the Spreewald, the Lower Havel or Mongolia.
    During their studies of geoecology, the students carry out internships in the laboratory. In addition, students from various faculties work on their final theses in the laboratory. Close cooperation takes place with the Institute for Inorganic Chemistry and Didactics of …