Laboratory Search
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FU - Freie Universität BerlinThe Geochemistry group is equipped with clean laboratory facilities used for low-blank sample preparation and element separation for isotope abundance measurements and concentration determinations of different elements in rock samples and minerals. Pre-filtered air using various pre-filters and HEPA (H13) filters are employed as well as a slight overpressure, compared to the outside air, to produce clean-lab conditions. Our Clean Laboratory (a total of ca. 105 m²) consists of two separate …
FU - Freie Universität BerlinHere we perform high-temperature and high-pressure digestions:
- Parr pressure vessels,
- Borosilicate glass Carius tubes at 220-250 °C and 320 °C (reverse aqua regia for Re-Os, PGE, Au),
- Quartz glass vessels in high-pressure asher HPA-S up to 320 °C (reverse aqua regia for Re-Os, PGE, Au),
- Glassy carbon vessels in high-pressure asher HPA-S up to 260 °C (HF-HNO₃).