Laboratory Search

2 laboratories found (0.07 s)
  • UP - University of Potsdam

    By using this elemental analyzer (Euro EA 3000) it is possible to determine the concentration of nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen in solid samples. The substance to be analysed is digested by an oxidative combustion of samples packaged in tin foil. The combustion takes place explosively in a highly oxygen enriched He atmosphere. Gases that generated during the combustion are led by the carrier gas (helium) into the separation column. CO₂, H₂O, N₂ and SO₂ are separated chromatographically within …

  • UP - University of Potsdam

    The laboratory deals with the chemical and physical investigation of soil, water and plant materials. The samples to be processed here come, for example, from research projects in the Spreewald, the Lower Havel or Mongolia.
    During their studies of geoecology, the students carry out internships in the laboratory. In addition, students from various faculties work on their final theses in the laboratory. Close cooperation takes place with the Institute for Inorganic Chemistry and Didactics of …