Laboratory Search

3 laboratories found (0.045 s)
  • DLR - German Aerospace Center

    The MSF-Lab, established in 2004, is part of the Department of Experimental Planetary Physics and is used for different astrobiological and physical experiments to simulate the key environmental conditions like pressure, temperature, radiation, gas composition, and primarily also the diurnally varying atmospheric humidity in a range from earth conditions to similar to those at the near-surface atmosphere of Martian mid- and low latitudes. A further part of the laboratory are tests with gas, …

  • DLR - German Aerospace Center

    The Planetary Analog Simulation Facility-Laboratory (PASLAB) at the DLR is used for different astrobiological, chemical and physical experiments to simulate variations in key environmental conditions like pressure, temperature, radiation and gas composition, under conditions ranging from Earth-like (including Early Earth) to the near-surface atmosphere of Martian mid- and low latitudes and exoplanets (e.g. temperature range between -70 °C to +20 °C, low pressures 6 to 10 mbar, etc.). The DLR …

  • AWI - Alfred Wegener Institute

    In this lab the soil physical and thermal properties of undisturbed and artificial samples (i.e. porosity, thermal and hydraulic conductivity) are analyzed. The applications comprise calibration, testing and quality control of meteorological and soil physical sensors for polar environments in long-term observations. The work done here serves as experimental bridge between field observations and numerical modelling; testing and unravelling complex physical processes.