Radioisotope Lab
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
last updated: July 20, 2023
About the Laboratory
Radioisotope Lab
GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
@ Section 3.6 Geomicrobiology
This Laboratory
is part of:
- GeoBioLab – Helmholtz Laboratory for Integrated Geological and Biological Research laboratory complex
- Networks: Geo.X
- Tbd
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This lab is specialized on radioisotope tracer studies involving direct measurements of the turnover or incorporation of radioactively labelled compounds. The following radiotracer techniques are employed: measurement of sulfate reduction rate with ³⁵S radiotracer, methanogenesis rate with ¹⁴C radiotracer, and methane oxidation rate with ¹⁴C radiotracer. The laboratory equipment includes a distillation setup for reduced sulfur species, a high-pressure thermal gradient incubation system, a methane oxidation oven and a scintillation counter.
Analytical Methods
Laboratory Keywords
In addition to the instruments and analytical methods listed above, these keywords help to describe the work done in the laboratory. This may include the type of samples, standard materials, specific preparative or analytical methods and specific instrument characteristics.
- Methane Oxidation Rate
- Methanogenesis Rate
- Radioisotope Tracer Study
- Radioisotopes
- Sulfur Reduction Rate