Raman Spectroscopy Lab

FU - Freie Universität Berlin
last updated: July 19, 2023

About the Laboratory

Raman Spectroscopy Lab

FU - Freie Universität Berlin
@ Mineralogy
This Laboratory is part of:


  • Tbd
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The Raman laboratory is equipped with a "Horiba ISA Dilor LabRAM" micro-confocal Raman spectrometer with a focal length of 300 mm and a spectral resolution of up to 3.5 cm⁻¹. Depending on the analyzed material and the applied method, the user can choose between the internal 632 nm He-Ne and an external 532 nm Nd-YAG laser. Maps and line scans can be done with the automated x-y table. The applications include phase identification of fluids, minerals and partly glasses (fingerprinting), structural (e.g. stress-strain, metamictisation) and orientation effects as well as carbon thermometry.


  • LRMA, Laser-Raman Spectrometer

Analytical Methods

  • LRMA, Laser Raman Microanalysis, Laser-Raman Spectroscopy, Raman

Laboratory Keywords

  • Confocal Raman Microscope
  • Confocal Raman Microscopy
  • Confocal Raman Spectroscopy
  • Raman Microscopy

