LabInfrastructure@Geo.X Change Request

If the information of your laboratory listed in LabInfrastructure@Geo.X require a change or you would like to submit information about a new laboratory, please complete and return this change request. Your information will be reviewed and published as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest and support in keeping LabInfrastructure@Geo.X up to date.

Author Information



Laboratory Information

Please choose whether your laboratory is part of a laboratory complex:
Please select the research network(s) your laboratory is part of

Laboratory Contacts

Please add at least one laboratory contact.
Philipp, Hoelzmann


Please add at least one instrument.
Search for an instrument:
or browse the instruments by hierarchy:
If you can't find the instrument, you can create a new one:

Analytical Methods

Please add at least one method.
Search for a method:
or browse the methods by hierarchy:
If you can't find the method, you can create a new one:

Keywords for instruments


Keywords for analytical methods

Grain Size Analysis Grain Size Distribution Laser Diffraction Analyzer Laser Diffraction Particle Size Analysis Laser Diffraction Particle Sizing Analyzer Laser Diffractometer Particle Size Measurement Particle Sizing Particle Sizing Laser Diffraction Analyzer

Laboratory keywords


Please add at least one discipline.
Search for a discipline:
or browse the disciplines by hierarchy:
If you can't find the discipline, you can create a new one:
Please provide a link if possible
Please provide a link if possible
Please provide a link if possible

Data Publications

If available, please provide the link for (a) data publication(s) that resulted from your work in this laboratory.

Key Publications

If available, please provide the link for (a) key publication(s) that resulted from your work in this laboratory.

Access Mode

Services and equipment offered by this laboratory are available for free academic use by internal and external researchers.
Access to this laboratory is possible for scientific collaborations including e.g. proof-of-concept studies, pilot-scale tests, or collaborative projects. Detailed access conditions have to be discussed with the head of the laboratory.
Access to this laboratory is dependent on the scientific excellence, originality, quality and technical feasibility of the proposal evaluated through peer-review conducted by internal or external experts.
Services provided by this laboratory are charged with a fee which is specified in an agreement between the user and the provider of the research infrastructure.
Terms of access for this laboratory are negotiable.
Services and equipment provided by this laboratory are available to commercial users.
Access to this laboratory is not further defined and has to be discussed with the head of the laboratory.


Possible filetypes are: .pdf


Possible filetypes are: .jgp, .png

Additional Info