LabInfrastructure@Geo.X Change Request
If the information of your laboratory listed in LabInfrastructure@Geo.X require a change or you would like to submit information about a new laboratory, please complete and return this change request. Your information will be reviewed and published as soon as possible.
Thank you for your interest and support in keeping LabInfrastructure@Geo.X up to date.
To obtain the best possible description of your laboratory, we recommend that you fill out the form as completely as possible.
More information on LabInfrastructure@Geo.X and the change request form are available on the help page. To obtain the best possible description of your laboratory, we recommend that you fill out the form as completely as possible.
If you have any questions or problems using the change request, please contact
Dr. Manja Luzi-Helbing
Geo.X Research Network for
Geosciences in Berlin and Potsdam
c/o GFZ Helmholtz Centre for Geosciences
Tel.: +49(0)331/6264-1091
Author Information
HELPLaboratory Information
HELPLaboratory Contacts
HELPPlease provide the name of your instrument.
For the keywording of the instruments we use controlled vocabularies.You can choose between the NASA GCMD Instrument Keywords and a Geo.X keyword list which contains all instruments currently tabulated in LabInfrastructure@Geo.X.
The keywords for the instruments are an important filter function in LabInfrastructure@Geo.X. If your instrument is not part of the keyword list you may also enter an own term. We will review this term and add it to the keyword list upon suitability. Multiple entries are possible.
For more information and references regarding the keywords, please see the help page
Analytical Methods
HELPPlease provide the name of the analytical method you are applying in your laboratory.
For the keywording of the analytical methods we use the Geo.X keyword list which contains all analytical methods currently tabulated in LabInfrastructure@Geo.X. The Geo.X keyword list is aligned to the NASA GCMD Keywords.
The keywords for the analytical methods are an important filter function in LabInfrastructure@Geo.X. If your analytical method is not part of the keyword list you may also enter an own term. We will review this term and add it to the keyword list upon suitability. Multiple entries are possible.
For more information and references regarding the keywords, please see the help page.
Community-related Keywords
HELPIn addition to the keywords you have provided for instruments and analytical methods you may also enter own keywords which concern community-related naming or abbreviations of your instrument or analytical method or other keywords describing the work done in your laboratory.
Additionally you may also provide keywords that describe the type of samples, standard materials or specialized preparative or analytical methods applied in your laboratory.
These keywords are also used as filters in the portal.
Keywords for instruments
Keywords for analytical methods
Laboratory keywords
HELPPlease select from the list the discipline the work in your laboratory can be assigned to.
If your discipline is not part of the keyword list you may also enter an own term. We will review this term and add it to the keyword list upon suitability. Multiple entries are possible. The disciplines may be also used as filter in LabInfrastructure@Geo.X.
HELPData Publications
HELPPlease provide an example of a data publication that has been generated as a result of your work in your laboratory.
An example is given here.
Key Publications
HELPPlease provide (a) key publication(s) that give(s) a suitable description of the work done in your laboratory. These can be, for instance, technical papers describing the concept of the laboratory or an experimental setup.
An example is given here.