Spectroscopy Laboratory

GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences
last updated: July 19, 2023

About the Laboratory

Spectroscopy Laboratory

GFZ - German Research Centre for Geosciences
@ Section 1.4 Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics
This Laboratory is part of:
  • GFZ Research Infrastructure: Large Infrastructure LI
  • Networks: Geo.X


  • Tbd


The GFZ spectroscopy laboratory supports advances in optical and thermal remote sensing for the definition of new sensors for spaceborne missions, for the development of methodologies toward improved surface properties characterization, and for the development of standards and protocols. We are focusing on the geosphere applications (minerals and soils), agricultural areas, and arid regions of the world (deserts, arctic) that are subject to erosion and degradation under climate change.


  • Hyperspectral Camera
  • UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer

Analytical Methods

  • UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometry
    UV-VIS-NIR Spectroscopy

  • X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis, XRF Spectroscopy

Laboratory Keywords

  • Hyperspectral Image Analysis
  • Laboratory Spectroradiometer
  • Mobile X-Ray Fluorescence Analyses
  • UAV and Airborne Measurements

